Soil biodiversity; Site-specific and Landscape scale approaches; soil carbon sequestration
Managing soils in the context of climate change
Argentina is an important grains and livestock producer country but, although less known, also relevant in the world markets of pears and apples, citrus, honey bee, wine, pork and chicken meats, wool and milk productions. Although with our specific characteristics and scale, the development of the industry in the last 3 decades is very similar to that in the EU and soils´ issues are pretty much the same.
The National Institute of Agriculture Technology (INTA) is the Argentinian main agriculture research institution subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, but with operative and financial autarchy.
We have several groups working in soil biodiversity; site-specific and landscape scale approaches; and soil carbon sequestration, in different climate and soils ‘circumstances along the country.
Our teams are willing to actively participate in different consortia for submitting proposals to the call.
If you are preparing a proposal and looking for potential partners, please write me and I will contact you with different research groups according to your interests.
INTA is spread all over the country in 15 Regional Centers with 50 Experimental Stations, 22 Research Institutes within 6 Research Centers, and 350 Extension Units, supporting Argentinian agriculture sector since 1956. You´ll find further institutional information in .