SOC sequestration, organo-mineral interactions, MAOMs, stabilisation and destabilisation, priming effect
Soil restoration
We wish to collaborate in a SOC sequestration project that integrates the stabilization and destabilization mechanisms of SOM. Our expertise concerns organo-mineral interactions, their in situ characterization at small scales (electron microscopy MET-EELS MET EDX, XRay spectroscopies, nanoSIMS, micro and nanoTomography ) and their dynamics (formation of organomineral interactions or, on the contrary, destabilization, for example by priming effect processes). Rhizospheric processes seem to us particularly relevant (organomineral associations related to plant exudates and micro-organisms activity). We could bring our expertise on organo-mineral interactions in a larger project on the SOC sequestration issue.
Our laboratory is the CEREGE (European Center for Research and Education in Environmental Geosciences). It hosts researchers from various French research institutes including Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, INRAE, IRD and Collège de France. It is located in Aix-en-Provence (France). The research work of this laboratory concerns geosciences (climate, geology, hydrology, soil sciences and geochemistry of anthropized systems). This laboratory has state-of-the-art equipment for geochemistry.