Research and development of innovative methods and sensing technologies
We would be interested in partnering in projects that require long-term research platforms. We have several low input/ reduced tillage long/medium term experimental platforms, of various scales (including Arable Rotations (with reduced tillage and alternative amendments) and Grassland systems). The institute as a whole also has a wide range of expertise in soil metrics and indicators (inc soil biodiversity) and the impact of soil conditions on plant performance.
The James Hutton Institute combines strengths in crops, soils and land use and environmental research, and makes a major contribution to the understanding of key global issues, such as food, energy and environmental security, and developing and promoting effective technological and management solutions to these.
The Institute is an internationally networked organisation and operates from multiple sites, including two main ones in Scotland at Aberdeen and Dundee. It employs more than 500 scientists and support staff, making it one of the biggest research centres in the UK and the first of its type in Europe. The Institute is one of the Scottish Government’s main research providers in environmental, crop and food science and has a major role in the Scottish knowledge economy. The Institute brought together the former Macaulay Land Use Research Institute and the Scottish Crop Research Institute on 1 April 2011.