Research and development of innovative methods and sensing technologies
We would like to cooperate with partners in any topic what could be useful for our organisation as well. Our inteterest is mostly to became a consortium partner and learn from the project as much as our teachers and students can. We have many experiences in EU project management and we can also offer our school farms to be involved in any soil research on our 11 locations in the Central-Hungarian region.
On our school farms we have all the machines necessary for cultivation and we try to teach students the most modern techniques.
Projects like EJP Soil can be interested for our young, English speaking teachers and also for our more experienced students.
We cultivate crops on about 200 HA.
We are a Green VET Centre in the Central-Hungarian region, with many school farms where we cultivate and also breed animals. We offer education in all field of agriculture such as farmer, machinary, animal breeding, landscaping etc. and also we have professions to gain in food industry like butcher, food analyst, baker, etc.
We educate around 3000 full time students and we have many young engineer teachers who speaks good English and could be involved in research. We are located in the Central-Hungarian region with 11 different locations, also at Budapest.
Our VET Centre is well experienced in project management, we coordinate many EU funded programs, for example VEKOP, GINOP, ERASMUS, etc.