By combining carbon isotopes geochemistry (13C & 14C), it is possible to distinguish between sustainable agronomic solutions (effective storage of carbon over several decades) and false good ideas that ultimately contribute to loss of carbon that was out of the active carbon cycle and no longer contributed to the GHG cycle. Our research is part of the 4permil initiative. In this context, looking at only carbon content (TOC) does not allow us to follow the small carbon content shifts induced by landuse changes. Soil is too heterogeneous. Carbon isotopes can as soil hetereogeneity is much less from the 13C and 14C point of view. Futhermore combining 13C and 14C (cf. Sitor et al. 2022 Soil) makes it possible to define the proportion of added carbon and to characterize (in quantity and age) the potential losses of soil carbon induced by the priming effect.
The Division of Geochronology and Environmental Isotopes of Gliwice operates stable isotope mass spectrometer and is welcoming now a MICADAS. This equipement is the most powerful instrument for measuring 14C isotopes. It will be the first of this type in Poland. It completes a full installation dedicated to 14C measurements that has existed since the 1970s, the almost beginning of 14C in the world. The MICADAS is here, still in boxes and will be very soon installed and operational. Our facilities able to run large series of samples for 13C and 14C will be happy to join European consortium.