Greenhouse gas emissions, Water use efficiency; organic matter stabilization, Nutrients use efficiency , soil quality, soil bioindicators, soil C stocks, plant root exudates, biological N fixation
Soil restoration
The Embrapa Semi-arid maintains two experiments with mango and melon crops, under irrrigated conditions. We also have two references areas on Caatinga biome (tropical dry Forest). Furthermore, we have been conducted some studies on land use change in semi-arid. Our goal is to increase the adaptive capacity and resilience of agriculture in this region of Brazil. The experiments have been conducted for 13 years and have been evaluating C stocks, greenhouse gas emissions, organic matter quality, nutrient cycling, qualification and quantification of macrofauna, as well evaluation of the product life cycle (carbon and water footprints), focusing on climate change impact category. We are interested in finding partnerships to develop innovation and advancement of knowledge for climate resilience.
The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) was established by the country's federal government in 1973 to develop the technological foundation for a genuinely tropical model of agriculture and animal farming. The initiative has been tasked with providing Brazil with food security and a leading position in the international market for food, fiber and energy. Embrapa today is onve of the largest agricultural research corporations of the world, with half a century of contributions focused on innovation, efficiency, sustainability and social inclusion. The Embrapa Semi-arid Region is an Ecoregional research unit responsible for generating technologies that make the driest area of Brazil become full of production possibilities. Its research innovatively builds alternatives for smallholdings and irrigated agribusinesses.